One of our wishes as school council, was to have a buddy bench. We felt that this would help children who felt lonely, find a friend to play with. Our amazing care takers sourced and made some benches for our yards. These are a perfect addition to our yard.
We were kindly donated some cable reels by a local company. Our caretakers restored them and made them perfect for our yard. The school council were given the challenge to decided what they could be used for and where the best place would be on the yard. The children are enjoying using them for independent tasks.
We have set up a school uniform bank in the reception of our school. We have a large selection of items, including a large range of sizes. Parents and carers are able to take what they need. We kindly have lots of donations from families which enable us to replenish our stock. To advertise our uniform bank, we decided to run a poster competition for the school. Children in each class made a poster advertising the uniform bank and each member of the school council chose a winner. The winning posters were then sent home informing parents and carers of the uniform bank.